About The Chapel

The Chapel is a non-denominational Christian church made up of nine campuses across the northwest suburbs of Illinois and southern Wisconsin, welcoming people of all faiths or no faith background at all. No matter who you are or where you’ve been, if you’re ready for more of God in your life, you’ve found a home at The Chapel.

Our Mission, Vision, and Values

Living for revival for ourselves, 
our communities, and our world.

At The Chapel, we believe God calls us into a counter-cultural lifestyle that fuels revival. Our understanding of the Gospel, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and our mission on earth shapes how we live and impacts our community and the world. When we live these truths as God intended, revival happens.

What is a lifestyle of revival?


The Chapel’s Beliefs Circle guides us in understanding what it means to live a lifestyle of revival. By aligning our lives with the principles inside the circle, we can experience the fullness of what God has for us and help others do the same.

What is a lifestyle of revival?


As a church, we believe the Gospel is not about a Savior who came and died to save us from our sin so we could go to heaven — but rather so that heaven could come to earth.

What is a lifestyle of revival?


Jesus showed us how to live a life that draws us closer to God and aligns with God’s original design for us. At The Chapel, we don’t just admire the way Jesus lived—we choose to follow his example to experience more of God.

What is a lifestyle of revival?


When Jesus ascended into heaven, we were given the Holy Spirit as a guide for our daily lives. We believe that God works through us today by the power of the Holy Spirit to bring his kingdom to earth.

What is a lifestyle of revival?


As followers of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we believe that it is our job to live our lives on a mission to bless others and help them come alive to God.

For the eyes of the lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
2 Chronicles 16:9

As a church, we help you live a lifestyle of revival by encouraging and equipping you in these things...
Carrying the Christianity of Jesus

We desire to come alongside you wherever you are in your relationship with Jesus to learn more about what it means to live like him. That’s why Jesus is the focus of everything we do.

Praying Heaven to Earth

Through prayer we connect with the father and are led by the power of the Holy Spirit to carry His kingdom into the world around us. Anyone can receive the ministry of God through prayer, but if you choose to follow Jesus God can also minister to people through you!

Living in Kingdom community

The Bible encourages us to be in community with other followers of Jesus to encourage each other in our faith and good works. At The Chapel, we build this community through ministries, Chapel Groups, serve teams and during our weekend gatherings.

Being a force for Good

We live on mission blessing others by being a force for good in our community. As a church, we bring God’s kingdom to others through our Chapel Care ministries and partnering with local organizations – but it doesn’t stop there. Everyone who is a follower of Jesus can be a force for good by reaching out wherever and whenever there is a need.


Meet The Senior Pastor

Scott Chapman

Scott received his Master’s degree at Trinity International University and co-founded The Chapel in 1994. In addition to serving as Senior Pastor of The Chapel, he helps lead a national network of churches called Christ Together. Scott’s passion is to give his life to serving Jesus and to see as many people as possible brought into the fullness of God’s Kingdom.