Day Four


Holy Week


February 15, 2024

Written By The Chapel


Invite God’s presence into this time. Ask God to speak to your heart as you read his word today.

Bible Reading:

It’s the Wednesday Before Easter.
The past several days have been filled with tension and anger for Jesus’ adversaries, who are actively plotting to arrest him. While Tuesday was a day filled with teaching for Jesus, Wednesday was a quieter day spent at the home of Simon the Leper.
Mark 14:3–11
Matthew 26:14–16
The Hebrew word “Messiah” and the Greek word “Christ” both mean “anointed one.” Did you know that the gospels tell of three times that a woman came to Jesus and anointed him with oil? The first was about two years before his death (Luke 7:36-50), the second was before the triumphal entry (John 12:1-8), and the third was in the reading today, two days before his death.

The Promise

Zechariah 13:6
Zechariah 11:12-13


Psalm 139 


What stood out to you from today’s reading?