Holy Week
February 15, 2024
Written By The Chapel
Invite God’s presence into this time. Ask God to speak to your heart as you read his word today.
Bible Reading:
It’s the Wednesday Before Easter. The past several days have been filled with tension and anger for Jesus’ adversaries, who are actively plotting to arrest him. While Tuesday was a day filled with teaching for Jesus, Wednesday was a quieter day spent at the home of Simon the Leper. Mark 14:3–11 Matthew 26:14–16 The Hebrew word “Messiah” and the Greek word “Christ” both mean “anointed one.” Did you know that the gospels tell of three times that a woman came to Jesus and anointed him with oil? The first was about two years before his death (Luke 7:36-50), the second was before the triumphal entry (John 12:1-8), and the third was in the reading today, two days before his death.
The Promise
Zechariah 13:6 Zechariah 11:12-13
Psalm 139
What stood out to you from today’s reading?