Message Series

Easter 2024


March 31, 2024

Teacher Scott Chapman

Happy Easter!

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly. John 10:10

In John 2, ​​Jesus and his disciples were at a wedding in Cana. During the celebration, the wine ran out. If this had become known to the guests, it would have resulted in significant social embarrassment to the hosting family. At the request of his mother, Mary, Jesus performed his first public miracle. He instructed the servants to fill six stone water jars with water, draw some out, and take it to the master of the feast. When the master tasted the water that had become wine, he was amazed because it was of exceptional quality.

The text concludes by saying, “Jesus did this as the first of his miraculous signs.” Signs are intended to inform us and ensure we don’t overlook important information. This miracle was not merely about the wine; it was a sign of things to come. When reading the story with this perspective, one of the first details you may notice is, “On the third day.” This story foreshadows Jesus’ resurrection on the third day, and the characteristics of the wine teach us about the life Jesus offers us.

Jesus overcame evil, sin, and death to give us resurrection life—an abundant life of amazing quality. It is a life that cannot be manufactured or earned; it can only be received from him when you release your life to him.

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