Message Series



January 15, 2023

Teacher Scott Chapman

Part 2: ChristiSanity

Christians today have differing opinions about how to solve the problems in our world. Solutions range from doubling down on teaching theology and morality, to gaining political power and legislating Biblical teaching, to creating a bubble and protecting ourselves from the world, to adapting our beliefs and making them relevant in today’s culture. Believe it or not, these same solutions were debated in Jesus’ day. Many people looked to Jesus to tell them who was right and which solution they should pursue. Much to their dismay, Jesus didn’t choose any of their ideas. Instead, he came up with an entirely different solution that no one saw coming. He died on a cross and rose again three days later. He taught them that the problem is not each other, rather we have a spiritual enemy. When he overcame death, he took all the power from the enemy and ushered in a new kingdom. The Christianity that Jesus preached is, by design, counter-cultural. We are called to live differently and, in doing so, bring real hope to a hurting world. As the body of Christ, we are to become an oasis in the desert of our culture. We want to become a church that looks, feels, and acts like Jesus!

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