Chapel Care Pantry at The Chapel Palatine

Providing for People in our Community

The Chapel Palatine food pantry strives to:

Provide Reliable Support

Our church is committed to being a place of reliable and trustworthy support to the people of our community.

Offer Weekly Resources

Our food pantry provides food, household items, and fresh produce to help any person or family in need on a weekly basis.

Uniquely serve our Community

As we serve over 1,000 guests each month, we see each guest as a person who is known and loved by God and treat them as such.

Donate to The Chapel Care Pantry

Our pantry is always in need of the following items: flour, cooking oil, pasta, beans, sugar, washer pods, pasta sauce, rice, shampoo, deodorant, toilet paper, toothpaste, tortillas, broth, cereal, and granola bars.

When food donations are brought on Sunday, they can be placed in the shopping cart found in front of the food pantry office door. To drop food off another day of the week, items can be left inside door #1 on the south side of the building. Each week of the month, there is a rotation of items that are collected and given out.

Palatine food pantry distribution day is every Tuesday at 2:00 PM until all boxes are passed out.

Blessings in a Backpack

We send food home every Friday with 50 students at an elementary school in Palatine who face food insecurities. $100 pays for weekend food for 1 child for the entire year. If you are interested, please contact Michelle at


Host a drive

If you can’t sponsor at this time but want to help, a food drive is a great way to collect daily needed items. You can host at your school, business, or neighborhood, etc. so the community can get involved as well! See above for items always in need – non-perishables only, please.