On Earth as it is in heaven

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Prayer at The Chapel

When we partner with God in prayer, we experience the reality of heaven in our lives and the world around us. We believe that God wants to be in relationship with us through prayer and love when we pray. Whether you are using prayer as a way to grow closer to Jesus and know His heart better, are interceding in prayer on behalf of someone else, or are desiring to connect with God in a way that he ministers through you to others – we want to partner with you in that.

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Prayer please for help in the name of jesus in finding a new role. I have been bullied and had my fertility battles and IVF circulated around government. I am struggling now to get a job part time as being discriminated against (it feels) HELP LORD. Help me I feel too ashamed to stay where I am. The women have been mean and isolating. I need a fresh start into a safe, godly and kind environment please pray for it

. I have applied and now trusting the lord.

Also please pray my husband and I find a home church we have been going to bible prespeyatrian but do not agree with the doctrine and just need to find a church that is of soundness and truth in perth near us

Received: July 21, 2024

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