Chapel Family, we are inviting you to embark on an intentional journey of prayer. For the month of May, we will have a prayer guide that will take us through several topics. We want to encourage you to review this guide as you spend time with The Lord alone or with family and friends. We are inviting people of all ages to join us.
As you enter into this prayer journey, our prayer for you is that God would bring clarity and understanding as He becomes alive in you. We are praying that everywhere you step will become places of prayer. We ask that God heal, bind up, restore, provide, bring hope, and bring joy. We want to see your Kingdom come on earth, Lord.
Prayer is how we experience God’s Kingdom. As Jesus traveled throughout Israel, he was constantly ministering to people through prayer and shepherding them into a profound experience of God’s presence, love, wisdom, and power. After his death and resurrection, Jesus invited his followers to carry his ministry into all the world. Today praying for ourselves and others is one of the most important ways to share in the life and ministry of Jesus.
Click HERE for week one prayer guide
Are you thirsty and hungry for more of God? If you are, the good news is he wants to give you more of himself. If thirst and hunger are lacking, the good news is all you must do is ask. God is gracious and generous. God promises us that as we draw near to God, He will come near to us. He welcomes you with open arms.
Click HERE for week two prayer guide
God created family. He created Adam & Eve then they had Cain and Abel. In the beginning it was perfect and then, not so much. While tragic, it is quite comforting to see that even when sin entered the family unit, God in his graciousness to mankind was still making a way. He didn’t leave Adam and Even without clothes, God made the first sacrifice to fix a broken situation. As you enter the prayer journey this week, you may be in a healthy family situation – let’s praise God for that. Some of your hearts may be heavy because your family does not look like you imagined or you are going through a heavy time due to a death, health issue, wayward child, or a broken relationship. God sees you and your family. He cares. He wants to heal the things that hurt so deeply. Let’s take it to him in prayer.
Click HERE for week three prayer guide
During week 4 of our prayer journey, our focus is to pray for the global Church. We will start by praying for our pastors and church leadership. We have examples where Paul and Timothy asked for prayers from the believers they discipled. Let’s unite and contend for churches and church leadership everywhere. Let’s pray that our Pastoral team stays deeply in love with Jesus, rooted in the Word of God and not swayed by cultural pressures and trends. Let’s ask the Lord to give them wisdom, direction, and protection, while boldly teaching the Kingdom of God without compromise. Let’s pray that the church will be ignited for Christ and will rally together in raising the name of Jesus high in their communities. Let’s believe for a church that focuses on the unity we have in Christ rather than the things that divide us. Pray for revival in our churches, and let’s ask God to continue to awaken us to His activity and His invitation to participate. We want to see God’s Kingdom come.
Click HERE for week four prayer guide
Our neighbors are Atheists, Islamic, Buddhists, Shinto, Hindi, the prostitute, the alcoholic, the gambler, the person that is not faithful in their marriage, the abuser, and the homeless person. Our neighbors voted for the other political party, allow rainbow flags in their yard, and allow their children to stay up long after you’ve put yours to bed. Our neighbors drive past church on Sunday and head for the golf course and bar. Our neighbor’s skin color is different, they possess different values, and they may never come to church or your prayer meeting. Nevertheless, they are our neighbors, and we have a few of the most important things in common: 1) God created them and 2) Jesus died for them. How we express the love of Christ is a testament to the very belief we hold so dear. That Jesus would have gone to the cross for each one of us. We have accepted Him as King and now we want to love others well, so they come to know Him. You might be the only “Jesus” that is willing to be near; you might be the missing piece for them.
Click HERE for week five prayer guide