A Firm FoundationWhat we believe is less about a doctrine to hold and more about a foundation on which we build our lives.
Rooted in Biblical TruthOur beliefs are formed from a prayerful relationship with God and a deep study and understanding of His word.
THE PRACTICE OF BAPTISMBaptism is an individual’s first proclamation of their faith in Jesus. Though baptism is not necessary for salvation, it is a vital and essential act of obedience for every believer. We reserve baptism for those who are old... Read More enough to make a sincere and intentional decision to follow Jesus. Read Less
THE PRACTICE OF COMMUNIONTaking communion is how we remember and recognize the significance of Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross. The elements represent his body and blood and carry spiritual significance. Read Less
THE DEFINITION OF GENDERAccording to the Biblical account of creation, God fashioned all humankind into two distinct genders, male and female, which are determined according to their biology at birth. Read Less
THE NATURE OF MARRIAGEMarriage is created by God and available to all humankind as a means of imaging God and stewarding creation. By definition, marriage is the lifelong, monogamous covenant between one man and one woman as husband and wife. Read Less