Message Series
November 3, 2024
Teacher Freddy Villarreal
Part 3: Come Alive - Repentance
This week, we explored what it means to come alive to God through repentance. While repentance can often stir up feelings of judgment or fear, the Bible shows us a different perspective. The first thing Jesus preached was repentance—not as a message of condemnation, but as an invitation to a new way of thinking (metanoia) that transforms how we live. Romans 2:4 reminds us that God’s kindness leads us to repentance, drawing us out of shame and into the fullness of his love.
In 1 Chronicles 21, we see a pivotal moment in David’s life when his failure had devastating consequences, leading to the loss of 70,000 lives. Yet, despite this, David was known as a “man after God’s own heart.” God doesn’t define us by our worst or best moments but sees us through the grace of the cross. David’s story reminds us that while sin carries earthly consequences, our failures don’t disqualify us from God’s love. Instead, they become opportunities to return to God, realign our hearts, and experience his mercy.
The path to repentance begins with rediscovering God’s holiness and power by drawing near to him, owning our failures and mistakes, and taking a posture of worship. Like David, we’re called to anchor our hope in Jesus, acknowledge where we’ve fallen short, and offer our lives as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1), allowing God’s grace to transform us from within.
Part 2: Heaven Has Come - What Happens When Jesus Comes into the Life of a New Believer
Come Alive
Part 1: Heaven Has Come - What Happened When Jesus Came to Bethlehem
Part 7: Come Alive - Gratitude
Part 6: Come Alive - Faith
Part 5: Come Alive - Resilience
Part 5: Come Alive - Resilience Copy
Part 4: Come Alive - Obedience
Part 2: Come Alive - Humility
The Hope of Revival
That's Deep - Come Alive