Message Series

Glory to Glory


August 25, 2024

Teacher Scott Chapman

Part 11: Paul's Time in Rome

Are you living with the end in mind?

As followers of Jesus, our future is secure—death holds no power over us. Embracing this truth transforms our lives, empowering us to make a difference in the world. Living with the end in mind frees us from fear and anxiety, allowing us to fully become who God created us to be. As we do this, we witness God’s kingdom at work and realize that investing in worldly pursuits is like putting money into a failing stock, while investing in God’s kingdom brings eternal impact and rewards. For the Apostle Paul, this meant living with one clear purpose: to bring the gospel of the kingdom of God to the Gentiles. Despite all the brokenness he encountered during his ministry—including starvation, slavery, violence, and poverty—Paul remained unwavering in his belief that God’s kingdom was the solution to all human suffering. He preached the gospel wherever he went, helping others see beyond the pain of the world to the hope found in Jesus—a hope that doesn’t fade, that death cannot steal, and that transforms us and the world around us.

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