Part 3: Revive My Strength
Revive Me
Teacher Ellie Dole
Part 2: Revive My Desires
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6 NIV
This week, we looked at two contrasting stories from the Old Testament: Eve, who ate from the forbidden tree and then hid from God, and Abraham, who held nothing back from God, declaring, “Here I am.” When we emulate Abraham’s unwavering faith, trust in God’s provision, and stand before God with an open-heart declaring, “Here I am,” we position ourselves for revival.
When we attempt to satisfy our physical hunger with wants rather than needs, we often end up feeling unsatisfied and hungry again soon after. Similarly, our spiritual hunger can lead to a longing for purpose, contentment, joy, peace, direction, and many other things. When we turn to worldly pursuits like social media, achievements, and indulgence to fulfill these longings, we experience satisfaction that is temporary and fades quickly. Leaving us looking for something else to fill us.
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus teaches that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled or, in some translations, satisfied. Jesus understands the spiritual hunger within each of us. So, he offers us a solution, righteousness, that will not just quench our desires but satisfy them completely. Righteousness is another way of saying being in a right relationship with God.
Part 3: Revive My Strength
Revive Me
Part 1: Repositioned for Revival
Revive Me
Part 4: Revive My Relationships
Revive Me
Part 6: Revive My Hope
Revive Me
Part 5: Revive My Purpose
Revive Me
Part 3: Revive My Strength
Revive Me
Part 1: Repositioned for Revival
Revive Me
Part 4: Revive My Relationships
Revive Me
Part 6: Revive My Hope
Revive Me